March 12, 2025

Overview of CALID-Ghana

Centre for Active Learning and Integrated Development (CALID) is a Non-Governmental, Non-profit and Non-Partisan organization formed on April 04, 2001 in Tamale by a group of Community Development Workers formerly of ActionAid. CALID has the goal of fighting for rights of the poor, lobbying government and other stakeholders to change policies and practices that adversely affect the lives of the poor and excluded people in Northern Ghana. Current thematic areas are: Education, Good Governance and Health. CALID operates in over 100 communities in the; Northern, North East and Savannah Regions. We operate mainly in the following Metropolitan, Municipal and Districts; Karaga, Kumbungu, Tolon Districts, Gushegu, Sagnarigu, Savelugu Municipalities and Tamale Metropolis in the Northern Region, Bunkurugu District, East Mamprusi and West Mamprusi Municipalities in the North East Region, Bole, Central Gonja, Sawla-Tuna-Kalba and West Gonja Districts in the Savannah Region.

To improve learning outcomes and improved skills through quality learning and appropriate training.
To Improve system of governance where citizens are guaranteed their rights to participate in decision making within a transparent and accountable leadership
Access to quality health delivery services especially for the poor and vulnerable in urban and rural communities increased.
To secure access of poor and marginalized women to decent livelihood through access to productive resources, skills training and enterprise development.
Equity and Justice to ensure equal opportunity for everyone within our organization and in our work with the communities.
Mutual respect for the values and worth of each person and group in our collective pursuit of our mission and vision.
Honesty in all our deeds and words.
Transparency in our processes, decisions and communications.
Humility in recognition of our work with others in the fight against poverty

CALID use a number of approaches in ensuring that the right of right holders and their groups and communities protected and promoted. Such approaches include; capacity building/community empowerment, Human Rights Based Approach (HRBA) to development, participation, promoting Gender equity, partnership, collaboration, learning and sharing.